SUA Insurance sells and oversees a wide range of specialized property and casualty insurance products and services.
The functionality provided as part of the project included: searching for policy checking if a policy is active verifying whether...
The CFT design team implemented a system for reporting claims through a hotline 24/7. As part of the project, the Customer decided in...
CFT designed and implemented an application which allows operators to automatically attach any documents in electronic form in the...
The CFT team designed and implemented a system which, on the basis of a file provided by the supplier, automatically registered...
The CFT team prepared and implemented functionalities allowing for automatic claim reporting to statistical agencies in accordance with...
The CFT implementation team designed a tool for communicating with the service of the central claim base. The information about opening a...
A team of CFT consultants developed and implemented a set of rules in the system for assigning new claims to appropriate employee...
CFT Inc.
1556 S. Michigan Avenue Unit 3A
Chicago, Illinois 60605
Phone: +1.312.588.0006